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Gustavo Ingrosso: first Mayor of liberated Naples

memorial plaque to Gustavo Ingrosso, the text says:"Elected in the Bloc's list, delegated chairman in the Presutti administration, Gustavo Ingrosso, came back in this Palace, first Mayor of a freed Naples"- Did it on the will of the Regional Committee for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Resistance. Naples, september 28, 1976.
picture of mayor Gustavo Ingrosso, 1944
Gustavo Ingrosso, 1944 -Municipal Historical Archives of Naples, photograph collection

Ingrosso was born in Gallipoli (Lecce) on 2May 1877. Having graduated in law, he specialised in Amministrative Law and qualified as a university teacher in 1908. He stood for election in the municipal elections of 12 July 1914 and was elected a councillor. He was a town councillor from 1914 to 1917 and a Delegated Coincillor in 1918.

In 1924 he was appointed lecturer in State Accountancy and Administratiave Law at the University of Naples and at the University of Messina a year later. As a result of the 1925 publication of his book "La crisi dello Stato" (The State Crisis), which bitterly criticised the Fascist regime, he was divested of his university positions and ostracized, so that he was forced to make a humble living as a condominium administrator.

After the fall of Fascism, the contributed to the reconstruction of the Partito del Lavoro (Labour Party) and he was chosen by the Allied Forces Government to take on the office of Mayor of Naples from 15 April 1944.

He was also a councillor for the Administration of the Banca del Sud and president of the Ente Autonomo Volturno. When he was nominated president of the State Audit Officeon 14 September 1944, he resigned from the office of Mayor.

Subequently, he was elected to the Provincial Council and continued to teach at the Univeristy of Naples until 1952. He was a councillor for the Administration of the Banco di Napoli from 1948 to 1952. He died in Naples on 10 March 1968.


Area Cultura e Turismo Servizio Beni Culturali - Archivio Storico Municipale
Salita Pontenuovo, 31 - 80139 Napoli
e-mail: archivi.storici.biblioteche@comune.napoli.it
pec: archivi.biblioteche@pec.comune.napoli.it