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Documents to be presented for authorization to use the halls of Castel dell' Ovo:

  1. Certificate of practicability for use produced by the City of Naples (ex art 80 T.U.L.P.S.) to be requested via application, to be added to a technical review, addressed to: Dipartimento Gabinetto Tecnico e Sicurezza - Servizio Sicurezza Abitativa - u.o.c. Spettacoli - Tel 081 795 62 10 - 081 795 62 20 Fax 081 795 62 14 - 081 795 62 15.
  2. Approval by the Supervision of Environmental and Architectural Goods Department to be requested via application by fax to the following number: 081 403561;
  3. Documents stating the presence of qualified personnel, certificated by the VV.FF. (contact the Comando Provinciale dei Vigili del Fuoco - Ufficio Vigilanza tel 081 2506108 fax 081 2506120);
  4. Program of the event;
  5. Submission, at least 10 days prior the event, of the payment receipt for use of the halls, paid on the postal account n. 58297474 and addressed to: Tesoreria Comunale di Napoli
  6. N. B. The services paid for should be given in the apposite space with the following wording: Proceeds for usage permission of the halls in Castel dell' Ovo cap. 2105.

The payment should be made to the postal account n. 58297474
Addressed to: Tesoreria Comunale di Napoli - Servizio Attività Tecniche di Supporto

N. B. The services paid for should be given in the apposite space with the following wording: Proceeds for usage permission of the halls in Castel dell' Ovo cap. 2105.

For further information of any kind, please contact the Administrative Department:

tel (+39) 081 7954588/4590/4600.