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The sea in Naples

panorama del golfo di Napoli

Naples is the largest seaside town in Italy and among the largest and most famous of the Mediterranean coast. Its port is one of the most active and popular in the world. It also stands for the beauty and fame of its coasts, thank to the uniqueness of its destinations (Mergellina, Marechiaro, Gaiola), its shores and the traditional sporting events (Capri-Naples swimming competition, Lysistrata boating cup and so on).
The sea is therefore an important and strategic resource for the city, for this reason it needs a special protection and maintenance on the parts of institutions and citizensas well. In this section you will find information about the programming, management and protection ofthe sea and of the coastal city, the continuous monitoring and maintenance of the coast, the restoration and rehabilitation of degraded areas and thelocal enhancement of the maritime economy.


Area Marina Protetta "Parco Sommerso di Gaiola"

Area Marina Protetta "Parco Sommerso di Gaiola"
Protected Marine Area "Gaiola Underwater Park"
The Protected Marine Area "Gaiola Underwater Park" takes its name fromthe two islands that are located just a few meters away from the coast of Posillipo in the north western part of the Gulf of Naples. With an area of 41.6hectares, stretching from the picturesque village of Marechiaro to the picturesque Bay of Trentaremi enclosing seaward part of the great bedrock ofCavallara.


una spiaggia del lungomare di Napoli

La balneazione in città
Bathing in city

The city of Naples provides citizens and tourists various opportunities: the cliffs and beaches of Riviera di Chiaia and Mergellina, wooden decks of the historic shores of Posillipo, with its rough tufa benches, coves with piers and docks, and the great Coroglio-Bagnoli beach.

una riproduzione della gazzetta ufficiale

Leggi e norme
Laws and regulations
In this section you can find the main rules governing the bathing and the use of the maritime domain citizen, with all the powers attributed to the different public entity. It is also possible to find the acts and the official data.


spiaggia e porto turistico

Eventi, manifestazioni
Events and festivals.
In this section you will find information on the sporting activities, festivals, religious and civil events that take place on the coast or in the waters of the Gulf of Naples.

una foto del fondale marino

Informazioni utili
Useful Information
In this section you will find advices on bathing, rules of behaviour, suggestions, reports and useful contacts forcitizens


le imbarcazioni del servizio risorsa mare

Il Servizio Tutela del Mare
The Protection Service of the Sea
The Sea Resource Service is responsible for the planning, management and protection ofthe shoreline, recovery of degraded areas and enhancement of the maritime economy of Naples. It works on the coast town either directly or indirectly, in collaboration with services and organizations.

imbarcazione vicino Castel dell'Ovo

Galleria fotografica
Photo Gallery
In this section you will find images of events and festivals that took place on the coast, of the operations carried out by the Service Resource Sea and of the phases of the redevelopment of the coast.