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Collective exhibition from 10th to 24th March at PAN. By Lorenzo Mantile e Domenico Esposito, coordinated by Giuseppina Di Pasqua.

In favour of "OCCHI APERTI" Cooperative

Monday- Saturday, 9.30 - 19.30. Sunday 9.30-14.30

The project

A project to give voice to the paralysis and the search of its "over", through "Urto!", that is a spontaneous gathering of different individualities connected to an Informal Net. The purpose is the free expression of the artistic talent in a public space to contribute to a better society.
An invitation to the artists to imagine and represent the paralysis in all aspects: political, poetic, scientific, musical, theatrical, philosophical, cultural, anthropological, social without any expressive tie of technique or language.

The selection

24 works are been selected to realise a site specific exhibition at P.A.N.

 (93.67 KB)preleva la locandina dell'iniziativa (93.67 KB).


"FABULA RASA - PROGETTO UNO" regia di Pino Carbone.

"TRAGEDIA PER MANICHINI DA CRASH TEST" Performance di Musica e Action Painting ideazione scenica Luigi Morra con: i Camera e Marco Matta.
"DUO DI LAPTOP" Andrea Arcella - Dario Sanfilippo.
Sabato 17 marzo 2012 - ore 18,00
Incontro con l'artista Elvira Pirozzi Blois
A seguire proiezione della performance Sacro Pane

"EXTRALAB" Corsi di Pittura Extramediale e di Tecniche Extramediale condotti da Rino Squillante presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli.
www.urtonapoli.tk ! (rete informale).