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Eighth Fair of Solidarity

"Crescere Insieme" onlus association
Organizes from 2nd to 6th of July 2008
the Eighth Fair of Solidarity

The Fair wants to reach various aims through days full of meetings. It will unwind in moments of play, of sharing and active testimony among our reality and Sanità quarter. It will be "variegated" to make confortable whoever wants to participate. The invitation is extended to anyone. Volunteers, associations, parishes and to whoever wants to participate.

The programme foresees meetings, gastronomic, information and listening stands and besides artists' participations wide spaces will be dedicated to children. This year Crescere Insieme Centre asks for the presence of volunteers to collaborate to organize the Fair and in particular for the risk children living in the quarter and for the laboratories in existence in the Centre, wishing the participation to the listening groups. It will be also a stand where one's own time can be offered.

Who wants to participate actively to the organization of the event can get in touch with the association by phone or go personally to the Centre. Above all for what concerns competitions and games.

 (8.83 KB)View the programme of the initiative (8.83 KB).
For contacts and registrations: Crescere Insieme legal seat p.tta S.Vincenzo, 25 - 80136 Naples. Operating seat Salita Penninata, 41 tel. 081/7413064 Fax 081/2141280.
E-mail, crescreinsieme2008@libero.it 
Visiting our site: www.crescereinsiemequartieresanita.it