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Napoli Teatro Festival Italia (Naples Theatre Festival Italy)2008 - 2010

Napoli Teatro Festival Italia 2008 - 2010
from the 6th to the 29th of June in the most suggestive places of the city

Napoli Teatro Festival Italia takes part in the first three-year period 2008/2010 with an international and European connotation, that respects cultural diversities, without trying to semplify the differences, also linguistic: it's the general idea about which many of the international projects of the Festival have been built.
30 places for the shows, 2000 artists, 200 representation, 40 debuts, 17 creation for the Festival, 14 Coproductions, 24 show-days , 15 Countries involved, 9 languages spoken.
logo di Napoli Teatro Festival Italia

For the first three editions the Festival  turns a particular attention to promote, translate and commission new texts for the theatre, also invitating in Naples authors who have accepted to dedicate to the festival new original writings.
In a city that daily compare and interlace tradition and innovation, the Festival dedicates some portions of the programme to Neapolitan 1700 and in the same way to the theatricalism to find in the new artistic productions, in dance, music and contemporary art.
New creations directly producted by the Festival, in coproduction with national and international institutions and enterprise, theatre projects expressly dedicated to the Fesival and to Neaples, visiting shows in national debut, an international specialization Master in organization and management of cultural projects, meetings, cinema, art exhibitions...


Napoli Teatro Festival Italia will realize every initiative in respect of european provisions for eco-sustainability

 (28.74 KB)visualizza il programma (28.74 KB).
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