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The exhibition "Vietato non toccare" (Forbidden no touching)

logo of the exhibition

till July 27th

The exhibition, supported by the Social Politics Assessorship, is addressed above all to the primary and nursery schools and is born from the awareness of the value of a cultural offer of high quality for the age band 2-10 years. The initiative is realized in the spirit of the Piano Sociale di Zona (Area Social Plan) 2007-2009 that has the aim to enrich with meetings between minorennes and ludic, aggregative and culural activities through the entertainment and the education.

The exhibition "Vietato non toccare. Bambini a contatto con Bruno Munari" (Forbidden no touching. Children in contact with Bruno Munari) planned by MUBA (Museum of Milanese children) is available till July 27th in the Science Centre of Città della Scienza. It suggests games and experiences for kids, done through the Bruno Munari's works. It's a path of discovery and experimentation, to see, to touch, to hear and then to tell and to compose these observations in small books, true treausures.

Touching, manipulating, composing, decomposing are stages of a learning and training process that is based on the direct experience and on the play: the theme of the wonder and surprise of the small things forms the introduction of the exhibition in a plurisensory experience through an absorbing and exciting motor game.


Città della Scienza

Via Coroglio, 57 - 104
80124 Napoli loc. Bagnoli (NA) 
tel. +39 081.7352.600
Prenotazioni visite guidate: contact centre - tel. +39 - fax +39
email: idis@cittadellascienza.it

Come arrivare:
La Città della Scienza dista 20 km dall'aeroporto di Napoli-Capodichino.
Per chi viaggia in auto: immettersi sulla tangenziale, uscire a Fuorigrotta, dirigersi a piazzale Tecchio, imboccare via Diocleziano, indi raggiungere Piazzale Bagnoli e infine via Coroglio; oppure uscire ad Agnano e proseguire per via Beccatelli fino a Piazza Salvemini, raggiungere Piazzetta Bagnoli e proseguire per Coroglio.
Si può giungere in autobus con le autolinee AMN.
Chi viaggia in treno può servirsi della ferrovia Metropolitana, oppure della ferrovia Cumana SEPSA.