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"The most beautiful - Luchino Visconti (and) the contemporary"

From 08/02/08 to 02/03/08
To celebrate the  "Festival of Art" , the1st and the 2nd of march the entrance to Complesso Monumementale di Castel Nuovo will be free
time: 1th march, 9 a. m- 7 p. m (the ticket office closes at 6 p. m)
          2nd march, 9 a. m - 1 p. m
"The most beautiful - Luchino Visconti (and) the contemporary"
producted by Culture Assesorship of the Municipality district of Naples - Assoc. Ischia Prospettiva Arte

Castel Nuovo
Sala Carlo V- Sala Loggia 3°floor

a film scene with Anna Magnani

The multimedial exposition organized by I. P. A. , under the sponsorship of the mayor and Culture Assesorship of the Municipality district of Naples, Regione Campania and Ente Provinciale for Naples tourism, with the sponsorship of Simel s. a. s. , Servizi e Progetti s. r. l. and Falpa cornici s. n. c. and with the cooperation of Fondazione La Colombaia of L.Visconti,
with the following artists:
AB.SO (Abbamondi - Sommella), Marisa Albanese, Claudio Bonichi, Alba D'Urbano - Tina Bara, Sergio Fermariello, Nino Longobardi, Giovanni Manfredini, Ciro Palumbo, Alfredo Pini, Ernesto Tatafiore.

It will be ufficially presented to the press on thursday 7th february at 4. 30 p. m in Sala della Loggia on the first floor of Castel Nuovo - Maschio Angioino Municipio square Naples. Until friday 29th february with the folowing program:

 (64.46 KB)read the italian press release (64.46 KB).

The edit catalogue of I. P. A. Association will make use of Peppe Avallone' s pictures.

Associazione Culturale "Ischia Prospettiva Arte"
Via Miguel de Cervantes, 55/27 - 80133 - Napoli
Tel 081.4971300 - fax 081.5513494
ischiaprospettivaarte@jumpy.it - info@ischiaprospettivaarte.it


Open: Monday - Saturday: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Box office closes at 6.00 p.m.
Tickets: reduced for groups of students of at least 15 people.
Free admission: for under 18 and over 65; for groups of students attended by teachers; for students of Humanistic Faculties; for members of ICOM.
The accesses allow disabled to enter easily.
We suggest that groups of students should book the tour at the Museum office in advance.
How to reach us:
From Vomero: Central Funicolare (Piazzetta Fuga via Toledo)
From the city centre: C55 (C.so Umberto - via Depretis), R2 (Central station- Piazza Trieste e Trento)
From Chiaia: R3 (Riviera di Chiaia - Piazza Municipio)
Tramcar: 1 (Poggioreale - via Marina)