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Documentation area

On this page you will find the official reference documents as regards the Italian approach to accessibility.


Official reference documents

 (57.8 KB)Stanca Act (57 KB). (57.8 KB).
 (150.97 KB)Technical regulations relating to Stanca Act(150 KB). (150.97 KB).
 (446.26 KB)Digital Administration code (446 KB). (446.26 KB).
 (74.73 KB)Directive on quality of on line services (74 KB) (74.73 KB).
 (142.53 KB)Directive on simplification of language (142 KB) (142.53 KB).

Technical support files

 (91.25 KB)Rapid to-do list in PDF (91 KB). (91.25 KB).
 (309.87 KB)Guide to data insertion in PDF (309 KB) (309.87 KB).
 (370.5 KB)Guide to data insertion in DOC (370 KB) (370.5 KB).

Accessibility to CMS platform

Icona link esterno"Accessibility" section on FlexCMP.com site..
 (131.44 KB)Features of FlexCMP (131 KB). (131.44 KB).