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World Cup at Scampia

The Department of the Youth of the City of Naples will set up on June, 20th and 24th, on the occassion of the matches Italy will play, a widescreen televisionon at Scampia public park.
locandina dell'iniziativa
"This is an initiative prmoted by the program "Giugno giovani", it represents an opportunity for socializing youth and beyond", says the councillorship Alessandra Clemente.
Dining area, exhibition stands, and live& DJ sets. will enrich the day. "A way - says Clemente - to create interplay between the different districts of the city, breaking down the distance between seemingly unrelated areas such as Posillipo and Scampia and back again this year during Giugno Giovani, in the beautiful city park, focusing on important values ​​such as the legality and social contamination, culture and sport that can and should promote. "
The evening is part of the Youth Local Plan of the City of Naples, within the project "Naples youth city: young people build the future of the city", aimed at the promotion of initiatives to break down cultural and physical barriers between young people of the city Naples.