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Queen of hearts

May Friday 30th and Saturday 31st, 2014 5.15pm

PAN Hall Palazzo Arti Napoli

The show "Queens of Hearts" a "dramatized reading" from "Stories and Legends of Naples" by Benedetto Croce. The stage adaptation was edited by Daniela Garofalo and Lina Perrella members of the association "Il Tappeto Rosso". Directed by Lina Perrella. On stage there will be four actresses: Emma Ciotola, Daniela Garofalo, Lina Perrella and Alessandra Sasso who will read four stories told by Croce on Neapolitan women: Giulia Gonzaga, Isabella del Balzo, Laura Terracina and Tirinella Capece. An actor will be also present, he will be Patrizio Bartiromo who will the character of Croce while some slides mode along the stage.
As evoked by the spectators in an empty theater, Benedetto Croce who introduces the show with a few lines. Then come the plaintiffs to prove a reading will be held in a week and they reach the lecterns. In this way, Neapolitan noblewomen of the XV and XVI centuries relive, they tell, in a participated and suffered way, their stories.