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Castel Nuovo - Edoardo Pisano. Chaos - from Naples to Naples

Chaos, from Naples to Naples
From Prop-Art to the present: the return of Eduardo Pisano
Exhibition at Castel Nuovo, vernissage Wednesday, May 7th at 5pm
Charles V Hall, Castel Nuovo, May 7th-29th 2014
Charles V Hall of Castel Nuovo, better known as Maschio Angioino, May 7th, 2014 at 5pm opening of the exhibition by Eduardo Pisano, "Chaos. From Naples to Naples, "forty paintings of various sizes, made in the late seventies of the twentieth century to the present day, often reworking the pictorial drawing, mixed media, carried out in previous years. Pisano was educated in Naples, but in 1983 he moved to Tuscany. The artist's aim is to underline with his exhibition his bond with the city and its myths as well. Pisano retraces his career as man and as an artist presenting the places transfigured by the density of the images and symbols.
At the opening of the exhibition the musicians Damiano Meacci, Paolo Termini and Luigi Turaccio will play "Chaos Sinfonico". The six songs included in the CD that incorporates the catalog, are the result of a compositional process based on the sharing of ideas and materials of traditional Neapolitan music and soundscapes.

The catalog contains essays written byt the curator, Giuseppe Bilotta, Angelo Calabrese, Ugo Piscopo and Matilde Puleoas, and Nino Daniele's (Municipal Councillor for Culture) presentation. The catalog will be presentd on Thursday, May 8th at 7pm at Palazzo Bagnara (Piazza Dante, 87), where the editor Tullio Pironti houses.The event is a part of th initiatives of May of Monuments
Un'opera dell'artista
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Un'opera dell'artista
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Open: Monday - Saturday: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Box office closes at 6.00 p.m.
Tickets: reduced for groups of students of at least 15 people.
Free admission: for under 18 and over 65; for groups of students attended by teachers; for students of Humanistic Faculties; for members of ICOM.
The accesses allow disabled to enter easily.
We suggest that groups of students should book the tour at the Museum office in advance.
How to reach us:
From Vomero: Central Funicolare (Piazzetta Fuga via Toledo)
From the city centre: C55 (C.so Umberto - via Depretis), R2 (Central station- Piazza Trieste e Trento)
From Chiaia: R3 (Riviera di Chiaia - Piazza Municipio)
Tramcar: 1 (Poggioreale - via Marina)