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EcoLogicaMente - Green&Smart 2014
4th Edition of EcoLogicaMente - Green & Smart, 2014, an event dedicated to the green economy in every facet. The event represents a moment of encounter and exchange between producers and consumers: a benchmark for companies, institutions, associations and people that operate environmentally and in support of social issues.

The expo represents a great opportunity for the customer that wants to live in an environmentally friendly manner. The event will involve companies that deal with renewable energy, eco-design and sustainable mobility crafts using recycled materials, km 0 products, organic farming, fairtrade products, in order to recover the relationship of trust between producers and consumers.

Space for kids with lots of activities dedicated to the world of school: guidance on sections of the new jobs in the green economy, workshop dedicated to green chemistry and new materials. The expo will also involve "The Day of school", a day of presentation of the best projects carried out by the schools on environmental issues.

There will also be time dedicated to social, as well as representatives of the third sector, associations and foundations, which are present in the square in a dedicated area. Space will be given to sport with the marathon Strasolidale that will take place on May, 10th. The proceeds of the non-competitive Marathon will be given to the non-profit entities. On May, 11th childre will have the possibility to have a walk with Kids-Walking. Thanks to the collaboration with the ASL Village of Prevention will be open to everyone, especially to young people.
Download the program of the event: http://ecologicamentenapoli.it
