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12th Edition of FAI Spring Day

XXII edizione di Giornata FAI di Primavera

March, 22nd and 23rd, 2014

Do not miss the FAI Spring Days: on March 22nd and 23rd palaces, churches, castles, parks and all the wonderful Italian treasures usually closed to the public will be open to discover their richness.
The guided tours are free AND they will be curated by FAI volunteers.

Some places open in Naples will be:

Guided tours available in English and French

Check the open places in Campania .

FAI - The Fund for the Italian environment

FAI, the main Italian non-profit foundation for the protection, safeguarding and management of the country's artistic and natural heritage is the third most important of its kind in Europe, after England's National Trust (the reference model), and Scotland's National Trust. The "Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano" was formed in 1975 with the realisation that Italy's heritage cannot be protected by any one government nor by a limited group of people. Thanks to the passion and total dedication of its founders FAI now boasts, more than 30 years on, a Membership in excess of 78,000 and 39 Sites of cultural importance under its management, including castles, monasteries, gardens and sites of natural beauty, little gems (such as workshops, aedicules, tiny theatres), villas and art and antique dealers. SIAD, has been a "Corporate Golden Donor" member for quite a few years now, as part of a sponsorship programme devised for companies interested in supporting the FAI in its endeavours to preserve Italy's artistic and natural heritage.



Edición 12 del día FAI de Primavera

22 y 23 de marzo de 2014


No te pierdas los días FAI de Primaverala el 22 y el 23 de marzo. Se podrán visitar los palacios, iglesias, castillos, parques y los demás 750 tesoros italianos a menudo cerrados al público. Las visitas son gratuitas y organizadas por los voluntarios de FAI.

Lugares abiertos en Campania

Algunos lugares abiertos en Nápoles:
Archivo del Estado
Complejo Monumental de Carminiello ai Mannesi
Palacio Marigliano
Villa Lucia
Visitas disponibles en francés e inglés


FAI - Fondo para el Medio Ambiente italiano

Los creadores de esta asociación dedicada a preservar los bienes culturales del bel paese, decidieron unirse para hacer algo concreto por el patromonio artístico de Italia con el slogan: "Proteger, cuidar y revivir los tesoros de la Italia más bella". La misión del FAI es: "promover en concreto una cultura de respeto de la naturaleza, del arte, de la historia y de las tradiciones de Italia y tutelar un patrimonio que es parte fundamental de nuestras raíces y de nuestra identidad".