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Marzodonna 2014

From needs to desires: economics and politics in the practice of women

The Department for Equal Opportunities, in collaboration with the Departments of Culture, Young People, Education, and Welfare, with the involvement of the ten Municipalities and women's associations of the territory, will present the initiative "Marzodonna 2014 - from needs to desires: economics and politics in the practice of women. "
Conventions, conferences, seminars, readings, book presentations, exhibitions, meetings and discussion will take place. A special campaign "Make a wish" will target women.
The word "desire" comes in the language of politics, and it divides the order of priority. Giving voice to their desires for women is a stimulus to think beyond the increasingly urgent and compelling needs to open a horizon of hope and perspective that can be translated into a common effort to build a fair city for men and women.
The Department for Equal Opportunities will gather all the "wishes" in order to translate them into real actions.
The distribution of the cards will be from 9am to 8pm on March, 20th at the gazebo located in the following places or streets of the ten Municipality: