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Infinite worlds

Monday 17th, at 4.30pm at Capitolo Hallof the San Domenico Maggiore Complex.


Pride is a thought
thought in Naples...
The Lectio Magistralis "Infinite Worlds" will be held by Aldo Masullo. It is a series of meetings and conferences organized by the Councillorship for Culture and entrusted to the best protagonists belonging to the national and Neapolitan background. The meetings will deal with the cultural history of Naples and with its contribution to Italian and European culture.
The first meeting will be on Monday 17th, at 4.30pm at Capitolo Hallof the San Domenico Maggiore Complex.
On the 17th, it will be the anniversary of Giordano Bruno's death, the philosopher from Nola that lived and studied in this Complex and that was burned alive at Campo dei Fiori on the 17th of February in 1600.
Aldo Masullo will remember the philosopher in a lecture titled "Converting to justice."
The meetings "Infinite Worlds" are open to anyone and the admission is free. More lectures will be dedicated to Thomas Aquinas, Giambattista Vico, Gaetano Filangieri and to the other figures of our cultural history. The initiatives of "Infinite Worlds" will continue till "May of the Monuments", whose theme will be "Neapolitan stories and legends" gathered by Benedetto Croce.
On Monday, 17th the cultural Association NarteA, in collaboration with the cultural Polo Pietrasanta and the Association Neartopolis, proposes "Flames and Reason", guided tour to San Domenico Maggiore Complex entirely dedicated to Giordano Bruno.


"Flames and reason." Guided tours.

On February, 17th 1600 one of the most dramatic episode ferried the Western world from the Middle Age Christianity to the Enlightenment, through the trauma of cultural and religious Renaissance and the Reformation.
One of the most important protagonist of this Revolution was Giordano Bruno who opposed himself to the rules of Church and State, for this reason he was sentenced to abjure his thought, he was considereda heretic and doomed.
 On Monday, 17th the cultural Association NarteA, in collaboration with the cultural Polo Pietrasanta and theAssociation Neartopolis, proposes "Flames and Reason", a guided tourto San Domenico Maggiore Complex entirely dedicated to Giordano Bruno. The initiative will involve the narration of the events that marked the history ofthe Complex, at the same time, through theater and music performances, the events that brought to Giordano Bruno's death.
The aim is to pay tribute to the philosopher with a dramatized guided tour that tries to reconstruct the events based on the facts and above all trying to get into the mindset and culture ofthe period starting from the place where he began his studies, the San Domenico Maggiore Convent.