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Why does 333.333 neapolitans read books?

Saturday 15th december 2012, at 4.30pm

Meetings Hall Palace of Arts, via Dei Mille 60

Last 'Istat' census observes that 29.8% of citydwellers of Campania, reads, at least, one book per year. In the metropolitan area, percentage is developping genereally about 7/8 points. That's why we can say that (of course) the 37/38% of Neapolitans read books. It's a fact, a great fact. Stunning by television, attracted by the 'free web', distracted by a daily panting and convulsive life, where will they find out some time to focuse on a book?

Some of the characters of the neapolitan cultural life will answer to this question:
  1. Marco Rossi Doria - Undersecretary to education
  2. Raffaele De Magistris - Librarian
  3. Gabriele Frasca - President Foundation Naples Award
  4. Mauro Giancaspro - Director National Library of Naples and Gerolomini
  5. Diego Guida - Editor and librarian
  6. Franco Liguori - Editor
  7. Massimiliano Marotta - Istituto Italiano Studi Filosofici
  8. Luigi Morra - Librerie Feltrinelli
  9. Matteo Palumbo - Professor Federico II
  10. Silvio Perrella - Book reviewer and writer
  11. Paolo Pisanti - Librarian
  12. Fabrizio Valletti - Director of Centro Hurtado of Scampia

Modera Serena Gaudino

  1. Luca Rossomando - Napoli Monitor
  2. Marinella Pomarici - Association 'A voce Alta'
  3. Giovanni Petrone - Cooperative 'Le Nuvole'
  4. Maria Laura Vanori-  Liceo Pitagora
  5. Piero Sorrentino - 'Another Galaxy'

Meetings is arranged by the Association book Forum, composed by teachers, librarians, booksellers and editors, far-back involved in telllings of the best promotional reading experiences in Italy and that proposes a popular initiative law on the book and reading.

 For further informations about meeting: 3332637737 - to consult the bill: www.forumdellibro.org