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Photographic exhibition "Vive, nella memoria." by Serena Faraldo

from 30th october to 12th november 2012 Foyer Hall

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"It often happens that in campanian territory, peolpe die "by mistake".
Peolpe are killed brutally even if  they don't have any kind of collection with crime. A tragic people swapping, a stray bullet; in a handful of seconds, innocent lives broken by criminal madness.
Why does it happen?
What does it remain of people died in this crazy circumstances?
And how does family live with that pain?
These are the topics present on the workshop of Phographer Serena Faraldo, on exhibition at Pan from 30th October to 12th November.
The photographer has realized a photographic project all in the feminine; matter of fact, characters are mothers, sisters, daughters, wives victims of inoocents of "racket".
 These women, tell within their faces, about how crazy it's destiny: i"n the wrong place in the wrong time".
Good people are always in the right place, criminals make wrong things.
Women protagonists of this project were photographed in places that were important for people that passed by, that marked the story of different innocent victims.
Home, working place, sometimes the places where people died that turned into victims of war : we have to fight against "camorra" everyday.
The exhibition it's supported by Fondazione Pol.i.s. tools of Regione Campania for support of innocent victims of racket and help to the arrangement of confiscated assets to the "camorra"


Opening Ceremony: Tuesday 30th october 2012, 5.30pm
Duration: from 30th october to 12th november 2012
Location: PAN (Hall "Foyer" - Via dei Mille, 60 - 80121 - Napoli)
Curator: Mario Laporta
Contact: serenafara@tiscali.it - 3384368688
The exhibition it's composed by 17 pictures 50x75 cm

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