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Make art in Scampia. Collective contemporary art exhibition.

PAN|Palace of Arts Naples I floor - from 15th to 30th september

Opening on saturday 15th september at 6.00pm with a performance.


Presentation to the press: saturday 15th september from 12.00pm to 2.00pm

Occhi Aperti cooperative organizes, between 30th of june and 7th of july, since 4 years, in cooperation with territory association, an international Symposium of contemporary Art of Scampia.
During the symposium, female artists and male artists from different Countries live and work in CasaArcobaleno, base of cooperative, sharing relationship between themselves and with  population of quarter.
Goals of project aim to:
* make people sharing different human and cultural way favouring reciprocal enrichment and the comparison between different artistic and linguistic expressions with the local culture.
* allow people from Scampia to appropriate of original artistic expressions to express according to a new way.
* promote and facilitate the contemporary art comprehension process for cityzenship of the quarter.
At Palace Roccella di Carafa, base of PAN, are exhibited some of the works realized during the symposium and documentation of laboratories wirth the population of quarter.

So Micala Mander writes on textus receptus of opening exhibition:
"The international art symposium of Scampia, arranged by Antonella Prota Giurleo and Enrico Muller, it's a social art exhibition occurred to the heart of Scampia 4 years ago: it's about an important moment of contact between art and inhabitants of this quarter of Naples that has a bad reputation. By the way, art doesn't have boundaries and doesn't care about prejudices: female artists and male artists have won the challenge of create something of deeply human: the desire of beauty. Our exhibition to the Pan, it's what we have developped during the Symposium in CasArcobaleno: this works were born within the Scampia experience, with its inhabitants; most of the works were developped during the workshops from traditional pictures, installations and the sculptures to the objects used to create music".   

"Occhi Aperti" it's a social cooperative society that was born in  Scampia thanks to the meeting of a community of Brothers of Christian Schools and some of young people involved in an educational track shared; Sisters of Providence joined this project.
Everyday we share our lives with men and women of Scampia, neapolitans and Rom, and we discover how is important to experience all together unknown tracks where everybody can discover soothed talents and treasures, experimenting the beauty such as certain way to transformation and develop for everyone; since that moment, were born the International Symposium of Contemporary Art of Scampia".
In cooperation with the Assessor to Culture and Tourism of Comune di Napoli.

Time: everyday from 9.30am to 7.30pm; on sunday and bank holidays from 9.30am to 2.30. The expositive rooms at I and II floor on tuesday are closed.
Free Entrance. Female artists and male artists: Helena Manzan, Brasil; Chen Li, China; Mari Jana Pervan, Croatia; Pirjo Heino and Petri Loues, Finland; Martine Boubal, Joelle Gandouin and Laurette Wittner, France; Gretel Fehr, Susanne Muller and Christa Wibbelt, Germania; Anthony White, Gran Bretagna; Renuka Kesaramadu, India; Semira Abdul Wahab, Irak; Constantin Neacsu, Csaba Gyori and Kinga Gyori, Romania; Isabel Jover e Cesar Reglero Campos, Spain; Giuliana Bellini, Mirko Bozzato, Giuseppe Cafagna, Ludovica Cattaneo, Fabio Cito, Marisa Cortese, Mavi Ferrando, Fabio Fumo, Veronica Longo, Nadia Magnabosco, Marilde Magni, Enzo Marino, Monica Mazzoleni, Giuseppe Piscopo, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Angelo Riviello, Antonio Sormani, Rosanna Veronesi, Italy. Textus receptus: Micaela Mander Introduction Textus of initiative: Enrico Muller, Antonella Prota Giurleo
Care and  coordination: Occhi Aperti social cooperative society ONLUS Cooperations: Arrevutammoce, Educational Centre Luigi Scrosoppi C.E.Lu.S., Association Dream Team, Association Aaquas. Project and artist coordination: Antonella Prota Giurleo.
infopoint PAN 081 79 58 601 uffice PAN 081 79 58 604; Brother Enrico Muller, cooperative president of Occhi Aperti: 3473364487 occhiaperti.onlus@gmail.com; Antonella Prota Giurleo, 3470312744 e- mail: a.protagiurleo@email.it

OCCHI APERTI: c/o CasArcobaleno
via Arcangelo Ghisleri, 110 Napoli
08119544088 info@occhiapertionlus.org