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Nuits d'été à Pausilippe

International chamber music festival at Villa Imperiale ancient theatres in the Pausilypon Archeological Park

Please be informed that for technical problem the events of 29th July and 4th August of "Nuits d'été à Pausilippe" are cancelled.
From 7th July to 4th August 2012

On 7th July 2012 a prestigious charity night for leukemic children of Santobono Pausilypon Hospital - Carmine Gallo onlus Association.  «Rends moi le Pausylippe et la mer d'Italie...». Piano récital by Paloma Kouider e M° Aldo Ciccolini.


"Nuits d'été à Pausilippe" consists in a season of 60 minutes long concerts held at sunset without artificial light and voicing, in absolute regard to the archeological area. The audience will be welcomed at the Seiano's Cave and will reach the theatres area where the concerts will take place. These ones will be held at the Theatre or Odeion, to take advantage at best of the acoustics and the natural scenography.


The idea is to offer many musical emotions at sunset to Neapolitan and foreign audience, proposing in one of the best archeological sites in the world some pieces of classic and modern repertoire and unpublished songs. The intention is also to give room to Neapolitan and European young musicians who will perform with world great masters. «Les nuits d'été à Pausilippe», a Gaetano Donizetti's melodies collection published in Naples in 1836, is the inspirer of this musical event which wants to enhance the extraordinary beauty of the archeological and environmental Pausilypon district.


Pausilypon means "end of troubles". This name was chosen by Publio Vedio Pollione for his villa d'otium built in the 1st Century a.c on the outer point of the Gulf of Naples, on top of the Posillipo hill. All along Posillipo hill and sea have inspired writers, painters, Gran Tour travelers and many Italian and European musicians from the middle of seventeenth century to now. The exhibition repertoire with some pieces kept in Neapolitan libraries is little-known but renders homage to Pausilypon amenity, the fantastic sojourn of Virgilio. Composers as Trabaci and Sabini, Gesualdo da Venosa (Le Delizie di Posillipo, boscarecce e marittime, 1620), Horatio Suzanna, Scarlatti (La Serenata Marittima per il passaggio a Posillipo, 1696), Pergolesi, Millico, Donizetti, Listz, Parish Alvar, Thalberg, Debussy, Martucci, Tosti, Castelnuovo, Tedesco e Alfano contributed to the formation of an "almost" musical genre promoted by this festival in a environmental context of nature, archeology and art.