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Più Falso del Vero

" Painting is a blind man's profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen"  (Pablo Picasso)


Castel Nuovo, Carlo V Hall, 7th March 2012 - 9th April 2012
"Più Falso del Vero" springs from a reflection on reality perception and how Reality can be modified, changed and finally altered by Art when the latter tries to understand, represent or suggest different versions of it.
Such as a translation from a language to another is a treachery, the transposition from the artist's thought to his final product, that be paper, toile, bronze or film, changes Reality.
So the Truth becomes the False and each work is a different boundary line between them.
Hence this exhibition to explore painting, sculpture and photography limits.

The event is composed of three different exhibitions.
The Stefano Galli's one opens on 7th March, an artist with visual fancy and technical virtuosity able to reverse Reality.

Then, from 17th March to 30th March, there is a collective exhibition by European artists such as Simone Aimetta, Domenico Aquilino, Valeria Ballestrazzi, Lorenzo Belardi, Camilla Bernardinetti, Andrea Boldrini, Raimondo Castronuovo, Dario de Cristofaro, Raffaella Gravante, Grelo, Marco Iacobelli, Carlo Inglese, Felice La Sala, Rachele Mari-Zanoli, Lamberto Melina, Nadia Miglino, Salvatore Musumarra, Ana Maria Nagy, Andrea Panarelli, Angelo Petrucci, Gustavo Pozzo, Gelsomina Rasetta, Sylvie Renault, Egidio Scardamaglia, Alessandra Spagnolo, Elena Tutik, Marcello Ursomando, Emanuele Varca, Stefania Verderosa e Maurizio Yorck. The subject is the opposition between interpretation and objective vision.

On 31st March Domenico Aquilino, with his image manipulation, closes the event.

The exhibition will be continued until 9th April, Monday-Saturday, 9.00- 19.00.



Open: Monday - Saturday: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Box office closes at 6.00 p.m.
Tickets: reduced for groups of students of at least 15 people.
Free admission: for under 18 and over 65; for groups of students attended by teachers; for students of Humanistic Faculties; for members of ICOM.
The accesses allow disabled to enter easily.
We suggest that groups of students should book the tour at the Museum office in advance.
How to reach us:
From Vomero: Central Funicolare (Piazzetta Fuga via Toledo)
From the city centre: C55 (C.so Umberto - via Depretis), R2 (Central station- Piazza Trieste e Trento)
From Chiaia: R3 (Riviera di Chiaia - Piazza Municipio)
Tramcar: 1 (Poggioreale - via Marina)